Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Makeup chores #5

This one is going to be a little different to other posts I've done on 'makeup chores'.  Recently, I've been having a lot of trouble with clearing up one patch of blemishes on my cheek.  I've been using gentle antiseptics on the area overnight and a charcoal mask every couple of days - and it's looking a lot better now.  Sadly though, the scarring is quite visible (to the point where one of my flatmates asked why I had a "bruise" on my face the other day!) so I want to use a little concealer to cover it up.

However, when makeup gets introduced so do bacteria so I've developed a technique to keep my brushes and products used directly on the skin as sterile as possible.  I've found though that even though airing the skin does help, it means that it's exposed all the outdoorsy dirt.  From personal experience, if I can apply a sterile layer of makeup over the top of any antiseptic treatment I've got goin' on then it seals it all in and the whole area heals up a lot quicker!   It's probably not something that's usually recommended, but when you're strapped for time and need to sterilise your brushes it's been invaluable for me.

What you need:

Hand sanitiser (I use Cuticura, as its pretty much unscented and is affordable)
Cotton pads, or strong paper towels
Your brushes!

What I tend to do, is dip the brush in a little sanitiser and then work it into the bristles by swirling it around on the pad.  This leaves the brush a little damp, but it dries off on it's own quickly.  I don't use this method on eye brushes though, as the alcohol content of the sanitiser will irritate them.  I'll then just apply my makeup as usual.

So that's it, hope it helps any of you that are going through the same problem (or just want a quick way to sterilise your brushes in the mornings!)


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