Saturday 21 June 2014

A Brief Introduction

Hi to whoever may be reading this!  Hope you've been having a lovely day :)
This is my first ever blog post *squeaks*, so I thought I'd start off with a little bit about myself.

I've just finished exams, and thought that whilst waiting to see if I'd gotten into uni that I should fill my time with something relatively constructive.  It's pretty easy for me to let time slip by pretty quickly, so I thought that a blog (with perhaps *shock horror* a schedule) might be a good thing to do!

I love reading other people's blogs on beauty, fashion, cooking, travel etc so I'll most likely doing random posts along those lines.
I'm also going to be studying Biology at uni, so I'm probably going to be throwing some medical/science stuff in the mix occasionally!

Off we go then!
Thanks for stopping by xxx

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